

Please read the Rules, before filling out the WSDC Registry New Event Application Form below.

  • After you complete this application, please go to the WSDC PAYMENTS page, and pay the $100.00 application fee.
  • Once the trial event is approved as a registry event, please go to our website and fill out the event update form so we can add it to our website’s calendar at

If you have any questions, please contact Yvonne Antonacci, President,

World Swing Dance Council

Please note: In addition to the rules below, these requirements must be met.

  • Must have 120 competitors (not unique).
  • Must have a minimum of two Tier 2 Divisions.
  • Must have a minimum of 8 Jack & Jill preliminary judges (4 for each role).

Non-Registry Events must submit their application a minimum of six (6) months prior to running a Trial Event. The Trial Event must be run within the WSDC Rules (as if it were a WSDC Registry Event):

  • It must be a 3-day dance event.
  • Open to everyone (not a local or regional event).
  • All contests must follow WSDC rules for structure, staffing, and scoring.
  • Trial Events must use a WSDC Certified Chief Judge.
  • Points will be awarded to competitors during the Trial Event.
  • Trial Events must also submit the Competitor Surcharge fee.
  • The event must be of sufficient size, scope, and structure to warrant WSDC Registry Event status.
  • Once the Trial Event takes place and data has been submitted to WSDC, the board will vote on whether to approve or disapprove the event for WSDC Registry Event status.

Existing member event owners wanting to add an additional Registry Event shall also (in addition to the event having its minimum one year of history) demonstrate a minimum level of size/scope in their initial competitors and have a minimum of three (3) WSDC Jack & Jill divisions, to be eligible for applying for an additional Registry Event.

An event is approved as a Registry Event with its specific Owner/Promoter, for a specific Time Frame, for a specific Location, based on its specific Structure/Staff/Offerings/Activities, etc., as demonstrated by its minimum year of history. Any changes to any of those criteria may require an event to have another year of history, to demonstrate that the next mix of criteria are viable.

APPLICATION FORM for new events

7. List the names of the individual(s) who hold ownership, and percentage of ownership:
If the venue is not a hotel, please provide the following information:
16. A shuttle must be provided if sleeping accommodations exceed a 10-minute walk.
20. Please provide a list of the WSDC Jack & Jill Divisions that will be offered at the proposed event and give an estimated number of entrants:
21. Key Staffing: Please provide a list of the contest staff:
I, the Applicant, certify that my answers are accurate and honest to the best of my knowledge. If this application leads to acceptance, I understand that any false or misleading information in my application may result in my application being withdrawn.

(* Asterisk indicates required field.)