

Dawn began swing dancing when she was twenty, in 1985 on the country circuit, with east coast swing and was introduced to west coast swing in 1988.

Public Recognition:

She is an active teacher and has coached the same Swing Team for 23 years, has choreographed nine winning U.S. Open routines, and has promoted and taught for 25 years at the largest swing/country weekly dance. She has received over 30 ‘Top Teacher’ awards for Pro-Am students.

As a performer, she has been an opening act for Lonestar, Marty Stuart, Toby Keith, Confederate Railroad, Vince Gill and Reba McIntyre. She has received Feather Awards for “Most Entertaining Country Couple” and “Top Female Teacher”.

You will find her teaching, judging or chief judging at events all across the country and is currently the chief judge for 3 NASDE events and 13 WSDC Registry Events. She is also the Event Director for Dance Mardi Gras in New Orleans in July.

Dawn’s legacy with the next generation includes her work with teens and children and her own two accomplished daughters!

Quote: “I have loved all of my different roles – social dancer, competitor, coach, choreographer, teacher, pro-am teacher, judge, event director and MOM in the swing community, and plan to be in it for many more years!”

Dance Biography:

Dawn began swing dancing when she was twenty, in 1985 on the country circuit, with east coast swing and was introduced to west coast swing in 1988.

In the country circuit, she was undefeated in east coast swing for 7 years, and was the first Masters Country World Champion, in 1991. As a long-time competitor at the U.S. Open Swing Dance Championships, she was seven titles (Showcase, Teams, Cabaret and Champions Jack and Jill), was the first person to win Showcase and Cabaret in the same year and won its first Champions Jack & Jill.



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