We hope that everyone is remaining safe and healthy, with many areas opening up from shelter in place restrictions. Dancing continues to be a high risk activity, so we wanted to share ideas that support our local dance communities remotely. These suggestions are already implemented successfully … we’re sharing this to cross-pollinate and keep everyone engaged.
A group of female WCS professionals throughout the world, led by Brandi Guild, brainstormed these ideas on how to keep our local dancers engaged, aside from online “group classes.”
Social-related ideas (general and dance-related):
Class-related ideas:
The team also acknowledged how difficult and emotionally exhausting creating and delivering online content can be, and provided a few suggestions to help:
Finally, Health Coaches Without Boarders (healthcoacheswithoutborders.org) was suggested as a free individual & small group coaching option for those in need. It is not dance-related, but a great resource.
WSDC Board of Directors
Permission granted by Brandi Guild. Ideas shared during a Women’s WCS Professionals meeting in April 2020 and expanded in discussions on Facebook.